
Sculptra Aesthetic is a non-surgical treatment that uses poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) to stimulate collagen production in the skin. It helps to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and skin laxity by volumizing and thickening the skin. The treatment requires a series of injections and results can last up to 2 years. Sculptra is commonly used on the face, but it can also be used on the hands, neck and chest.

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How does Sculptra work?

The active ingredient of Sculptra is poly-l-lactic acid, a substance successfully used in surgical operations for more than 25 years. The poly-l-lactic acid in Sculptra triggers cells called fibroblasts to secrete collagen.

Sculptra was originally developed to improve the gaunt, wasted appearance of patients with AIDS, before becoming more widely available as an anti-ageing treatment.

What happens when I have Sculptra?

Sculptra is administered through a series of injections. There is a plumping effect from the liquid being injected into the face, but this is temporary. The real effect of Sculptra becomes apparent some months after treatment as collagen is stimulated and grows and the dermal layer of the skin becomes thicker, giving a fuller more youthful look.

Does Sculptra remain in the skin?

Unlike fillers, Sculptra is not designed to remain in the skin and will be naturally expelled. The filling effect from the Sculptra liquid is therefore temporary but the true effect – the plumping, smoothing and firming of the skin from renewed collagen – will last for up to two years.

How long does it take to see the effects of the treatment?

You may start to see changes after around three months, but normally it takes six to ten months before the effects of the new collagen forming become visible.

How much Sculptra will I need?

On average patients will require three treatment sessions, with between one and two vials required at each session. The extent of fat loss and wrinkling that patients have will determine how much Sculptra is likely to be required. A consultation to determine suitability and likely amount of treatment needed is carried out before treatment begins.

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